Monday, July 27, 2009

Yesterday I said from the pulpit that mission is the essential character of the church. What is your thought? If you agree, what kind of mission does FCUCC need to be leading in? If you disagree, what to you believe the church, especially FCUCC, needs to be about? Don Hammond

1 comment:

  1. Mission is essential to the survival and vitality of any organization. As a congregation, we must focus on the issues and work that promote our values, goals and vision for this community. I suggest we take a survey of our neighborhood, our city and national and international scene. And link our selves to projects that help those in need. For example, because of the gentrification happening around midtown, we might consider helping those who are being displaced or left without essential services. On a city wide level, we could push for accountability and respect and stewardship of city resources. On a national level, we could further support and advocate for the rights of minorities and those who cannot speak for themselves. As the saying goes, we need to put our money where our mouth is, by further showing support for projects and causes which are at the heart of the progressive Christian movement. The UCC is an natural ally for those in need and so is First Central. I'm proud to be apart of a church and national church organization, which is open to all and continues it's long history of fighting for social justice. By: Hanna W.
