Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stewardship Message: Catch Fire

"Rekindle the gift of God that is within you…" ~ 2 Timothy 1:6

The second week of September in our church is “Rally Sunday.” It’s meant to be the day we get all revved up for the new program year of the church. The energy level in the congregation rises that day, as people who have been away for the summer return and greet friends and visitors. As September begins again in the church, everything seems possible!

The start of a new program year is a good time to take Paul’s advice and “rekindle” all the gifts of God within not just individual Christians, but the church as a whole. Stoke the fire, is what the word means, take the small flames and find ways to add a little tinder here or a little air there and bring warmth and light. To make a fire strong usually requires adding small things regularly, and sometimes large pieces of wood as other large pieces burn away.

What does your church need to really catch fire this September? What gifts, small or large, do you have to contribute to that fire? Are there people around you who have gifts to give that need your encouragement to step up to the fire? Sometimes, as the old church camp song says, it really does “only take a spark.” Is that spark you?

Source: UCC Stewardship Message by Rochelle A. Stackhouse. Rev. Stackhouse is the Senior Minister of The Church of the Redeemer, United Church of Christ, New Haven Connecticut.

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