Nothing quite makes me happy like the start of the school year. This special time of the year has always struck a chord with me. I can remember when I was in grade school that I loved the thrill of hunting for the perfect back-to-school outfit and finding the neatest school supplies. Now that I am much, much older and am going back to school for my graduate degree, I find that I still enjoy this special time. I love that buzz of energy that sits in the air, the sound of the marching band practicing in the morning and the nervous anticipation I feel as I begin this new chapter in my life.
What makes this new school year even more special is that I have a better understanding and appreciation for all the work that goes into making the academic year happen. My experience as an employee at various institutions of higher education and the stories that my teacher friends share, have given me a unique insight into the world of teaching and learning. I now know how much time, thought, energy and money goes into planning programs for each student’s success. Those who choose to teach and work for K-12 schools and colleges are truly wonderful people. They teach, build up, inspire, support, and create future leaders. What an amazing, yet overwhelming job!
Can you remember a teacher or academic experience that helped form who you are today? What do you enjoy about this special time of the year?
No matter if you are taking classes (and even if you are not) or even dropping little ones off at school, please take a moment to thank the staff members and educators in your life- they do so much more than just oversee programs, decorate classrooms and grade papers.
Posted by Hanna W.
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