Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Blog
With this special moment here, I would like to thank all of the readers and those who wrote comments. It makes maintaining this part of our outreach fun and engaging.
A lot has happened in our church over the past year. We have seen our pastor of 13 years, Pastor Winston Baldwin, move on and begin ministry else where. We have truly begun to look inward during this time of transition and make steps to move our congregation forward and respond to the needs of our community. It has been a very busy year and I think, successful one. We started a capital campaign and have begun to restructure our church leadership, so that it reflects the needs of our congregation. I am thankful for those have who have recognized this need and are actively working to make things more "user friendly" and mission driven.
This church truly is a great place to worship, grow and belong. I am looking forward to another year of blogging, friendly conversations, spiritual growth, and serving my community. Thanks First Central!
Posted by the Blog Administrator.
Monday, November 9, 2009
First Central Game Night and Dessert Party
We invite you to participate in our Fall 2009 event: Game Night and Dessert Party.
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Location: 8215 Burt Plaza
We'll get to know each other by playing board and card games like Apples to Apples, Clue, Scrabble, etc., while enjoying a potluck dessert bar- yummy!
If you have a game you'd like us to play, please feel free to bring it along.
So, mark your calendars and plan to attend this fun and relaxing event. To RSVP, contact Sara at the church office.
Posted by: Blog Administrator
Monday, November 2, 2009
Congregational Economics
Source: Sightings 11/2/09
Covering “public religion” is our assignment. To many, reporting on congregations and, worse, on “giving,” looks private, personal, beside the public point. They should look again: By far the largest sector of charitable giving is to and through religious institutions. The hundreds of thousands of congregations, parishes, synagogues, mosques, and more, are the most widely and diversely represented of American voluntary agencies. They usually fly under the reportorial radar, but what their members think and do has enormous public influence, locally, nationally, and globally. We pay attention.
One time to notice barometers is during this month of November, in many places called “Stewardship Month,” when the generosity, priorities, strategies, and moods of American people in congregations gets measured. How are they doing, so far into the recession? Not needing to rely only on spotty or anecdotal impressions, we can read a study which appeared last Tuesday, as it provides at least a beginning and partial answer. The Lake Institute on Faith and Giving at the Center on Philanthropy and the Alban Institute – an Indianapolis and Washington combo – provide the report.
The two surveyed 1,500 congregations that are busy weathering the financial storms. Are they representative? No: No matter how small or weak some may be, the fact that they reach out to the Alban Institute signals some kind of vitality that sets them somewhat (if not vastly) apart. Over one-third of them reported an increase in giving for the first half of 2009 over the first half of 2008, and over one-third stayed the same. How do they adjust and make do in hard(er) times? Only 6.8 percent reduced permanent staff and only 10.7 more cut back on part-time staff. One-sixth of them could not raise salaries, while almost that many cut utility and program costs. William Enright of the Center calls the parishes “resilient” and “imaginative,” as they reach out to meet increasing needs in their communities and around the world. James Wind of Alban puts in a plug for local congregations, which are too often taken for granted. The majority, large or small, are dynamic and creative.
It’s a them-that-has-gits situation, in that those that were increasing giving, receipts, and mission pre-crisis keep increasing or at least holding their own, while those that were suffering decline now decline further and look for ways to turn things around. Many of them, lacking funds, supplemented mission with donations of food and clothing to the community. Most clergy brought up the subject of giving no more and no less frequently than they did B.C., Before the Crisis, but 40 percent did turn the volume and frequency up to attract more and better givers.
Churches made up mainly of older members (fifty-plus years) suffered more than did those with younger congregations, something easily understood by any who overhear retirees report on declines in their nest eggs. A minority of congregations have endowments; few of these reported increase. The little churches that reported less than $150,000 in donations in 2008’s first half reported continuing decline in 2009. What is not measured here is the degree of zest and passion and enjoyment brought by both clerical and lay leadership: Do those who enjoy giving and asking others to give do better than those whose apologetic tones, body language, lamenting, signs of marking time, and running for cover are telegraphed to their membership? You don’t need a survey to certify the part of it all that we already know.